Organ Scholar for the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, La Crosse, Wisconsin
The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe is seeking an Organ Scholar for one to four years, beginning in September, 2025. The position is half time; the salary is competitive. Sunday duties include Masses in Latin (9:00am), Spanish (11:00am) and English (1:00pm), either in tandem or in alternation with the Director of Music. In addition to regular 1962 Solemn High Masses, there are several Pontifical High Masses each year, as well as approximately eight concerts, held annually in the Shrine church. Thursday evening rehearsals are held each week, twelve months per year. The organ is an excellent 2008, 3-manual Noack of 50 ranks. Desired skills would include organ, conducting, singing and knowledge of Gregorian chant.
Inquiry may be made to Scott Turkington, Director of Music, Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, 5250 Justin Rd., La Crosse WI 54601,, or (608) 615-7559.