Office for Family Life
The Office for Family Life places itself at the service of parishes and families
so that they can answer their call to holiness and help form communities
of love and life in Jesus Christ. Our primary goal is to help families
become what they are by realizing these four tasks:
- Forming a Community of Persons
- Serving Life
- Participating in the development of Society
- Sharing in the life and mission of the Church
Why Get Married in the Catholic Church?
That’s a question that has increasing relevance
to many Catholics. Learn More >>
Marriage and Family
Marriage Retreats for Engaged Couples
A list of the retreats offered in our diocese.
Men's Ministry
Whether you are a seasoned dad, a new dad, a dad-to-be, or a single guy wanting to know more about fatherhood, there is something for you.
Women's Ministry
The desire for community – Bringing together women of all ages and stages of spiritual maturity
FOCCUS Marriage Ministries
A comprehensive, user-friendly tool for use by lay individuals, couples or professionals who are helping couples prepare for marriage.
Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Youth Event Forms
- New Minor Event Form (Filled out for each event)
- New Minor Medical Form (Filled out once per year and kept on hand at each event)
- New Adult (Age 18 and graduated high school) Medical Form (Filled out once per year and kept on hand at each event)
- New Adult (Age 18 and graduated high school) Event Form (Filled out for each event)
- Field Trip Driver Form
- Chaperone Policies and Code of Conduct
- 10-15 Passenger Van Rule
- Safe Environment Training and Forms
Diocese of La Crosse Catholic Committee on Scouting
Family Resources
Are you or someone you know in a struggling marriage?
- We want to be a source of support for you during this challenging time.
- For Catholic Marriage Counseling:
- Click here to find a Catholic marriage counselor in your area.
- Here are some virtual options via online or tele-counseling:
Divorce is difficult and messy. When a Roman Catholic experiences divorce, there is much confusion, from receiving communion to an understanding of the annulment process, the Catholic Church’s views on dating, and certainly the issue of remarriage. Catholic women and men struggle to find support and healing from divorce. Hopefully this site provides needed support. Learn More >>
End of Life
In this third millennium, our society is blessed by advances in science and technology. This is especially true in the area of medicine and health care. Medical science presents a vast array of treatments and procedures that offer both cure and care to those who suffer from illness and infirmity. At the same time, these medical procedures present individuals and their families with agonizing questions regarding the use of this technology to sustain human life. In a culture and society where an estimated 75–80% of us will die in some kind of institutional setting, we are all likely to face difficult decisions regarding treatment and care at the end of life.
Theology of the Body Unlocks the Meaning of Our Humanity
Congratulations! As a parent, God has entrusted the well-being of your children to you. He has called you to be the first and the most important person in the life of your children. You are the ‘primary educator; with three main duties:
- Create a family atmosphere animated with love and reverence for God and others so that each child becomes personally and spiritually well-rounded.
- Develop a strong and lasting bond of trust with each child so that each one will become emotionally and socially mature.
- Set godly standards and expectations for each child so that each one will develop moral character.
Pornography is extremely addictive and damaging to a person’s ability to give and receive love. This page has some valuable resources.
Same Sex Attraction
This web page contains a collection of on-line articles, videos, websites, books and frequently asked questions that provide a clearer understanding of Catholic Church teaching in reference to same sex attraction. The resources focus on such foundational topics as human dignity, friendship, chastity, pastoral care, marriage, same sex attraction and the effects of living a homosexual lifestyle and are meant to be explored collectively. The suggested audience is found under each resource.
Grief Ministry
Great things coming soon.
Catholic Life Articles
Here are a few Catholic Life articles. To read the full article, click on the blue colored title.

Contact Information
Office for Family Life/NFP
Phone: 608.791.2659
Chris Rogers, Director
Laura Boden, Administrative Assistant
Christy Kitzhaber
Natural Family Planning Coordinator