Bishops of the
Diocese of La Crosse

The Most Reverend John J. Paul
Seventh Bishop of La Crosse
John J. Paul, La Crosse native son, was born on August 17, 1918 to Roland and Louise Paul. He attended Cathedral grade school and graduated from Aquinas, excelling in academics and sports. After graduating from Columbia College(now Loras College, Dubuque, IA) in 1939 he enrolled at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, MD and was ordained on January 24, 1943 by Bishop Griffin at St. Rose Convent, La Crosse. He served in parish ministry and secondary education. While in Eau Claire he was principal of Regis High School and built the new school that is currently still in use there. He was appointed rector of the Holy Cross Seminary in 1955 and served in that position for eleven years. Continuing his education, he was awarded a M. Ed from Marquette University in 1956. In 1966 he became the 16th rector of the Cathedral and would serve in that position for eleven years during which he would oversee the building of a new Cathedral school , administer to the needs of the Cathedral parish, and the responsibilities at the diocesan level as Executive Chairman of the Post Conciliar Commission on Renewal. On May 17, 1977, his appointment as auxiliary bishop was announced and on August 4, 1977, he was ordained by Bishop Freking. Bishop Paul was only the second auxiliary bishop for the La Crosse Diocese. Among his new responsibilities were the Diocesan Pastoral Council, Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, Clergy Personnel Board, St. Joseph’s Priest Fund, Priestly Formation Commission, Diocesan Finance and Administration Commission. He traveled the diocese extensively in carrying out these duties. When Bishop Freking announced his resignation in May due to poor health, he was not able to make his ad limina visit in the fall of 1983. Bishop Paul went in his stead. It was during that visit Bishop Paul met with his Holiness, Pope John Paul II, and received his appointment directly as the Seventh Bishop of La Crosse on October 14, 1983. He was installed on December 5, 1983. Bishop Paul convened the Fourth Diocesan Synod on April 28, 1986, which included the laity for the first time. He submitted his resignation for retirement at age 75 in 1993 but continued as bishop until Monsignor Burke was name as bishop-elect on December 10, 1994. He was then elected diocesan administrator until the installation of Bishop Burke on February 22, 1995.
He died March 5, 2006. Bishop Paul was a zealous advocate of Catholic schools. That advocacy continues today with the Bishop John Paul Scholarship Endowment Trust fund to benefit youths from low income families who wish to attend Catholic Schools in our diocese.
Bearing the tradition heraldic symbols of the office of the bishop and the diocesan coat of arms, Bishop Paul’s personal coat of arms lies on a green field with a silver sword on an open book. The sword is symbolic of St. Paul the Apostle and his family name, the open book, his apostolate of education. The carpenter’s square is that of St. Joseph the Workman, patron of the Diocese of La Crosse and the universal church.
St. John the Evangelist, represented by an eagle, was Bishop Paul’s patron. The three lilies at the bottom are symbolic of both the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph. His motto is taken from St. Paul’s farewell message letter to the Ephesians 6:23: Caritas Cum Fide, Love with Faith.