Parish records resources

Handbook for Sacramental Records  promulgated 10-4-2018

Parish Accounting Software upgrade project

ParishSOFT Family Directory

(SOP) Standard Operating Procedures revised 8-18-2023
Exporting Adult Children (export to new family) – revised 10-04-2023

World Mission Sunday Report  – instructions for using Contribution List to generate the list of mission donors.

DIOLC Family Directory Resources

TechSoup – software/technology purchases

Because of the structure of the Diocese of La Crosse and our parishes, TechSoup classifies us as a major market customer.  Because of this, they have streamlines the process that our parishes use to sign up for TechSoup.  Please see the following letter for instructions to sign up for TechSoup.

Social Media Resources

Roundtable Meeting Handouts

My Parish App
