Year of St. Joseph
May 1, 2020 - December 8, 2021
Novena to conclude the Year of St. Joseph
November 29 – December 7
A novena is nine days of prayer focused on a particular theme. This novena to St. Joseph is a fitting conclusion to the Year of St. Joseph declared by Pope Francis for the Universal Church and celebrated by the Diocese of La Crosse. Each day, you will reflect on a particular title given to St. Joseph. Parishes, families and individuals are encouraged to begin on Monday, Nov. 29 and conclude on Tuesday, Dec. 7, with the consecration to be made on Wednesday, Dec. 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception and the closing of the Year of St. Joseph. As you pray, begin with the reflection, consider what intention(s) you would like to offer and conclude with the Memorare to St. Joseph.
Novena to St. Joseph –
Order for the Parish
In this Year of St. Joseph, consider offering your parishioners a beautiful Novena leading up to May 1, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker. Each day of the Novena draws on Pope St. John Paul II’s Guardian of the Redeemer, in which he contemplates the virtues and mission of this great saint to whose care the Son of God was entrusted.
Questions and orders should be directed to Ann at To receive the Novenas in time for distribution at Masses this
weekend, orders would need to be placed by noon on Wednesday, April 14.
Cost for the Novena pamphlet:
$5 for 50 + $3 shipping
$15 for 200 + $5 shipping
$25 for 500 + $7 shipping
Note: This Novena can be used at any time, and especially during the Year of St. Joseph.
Bishop Callahan Announces “Year of St. Joseph”
April 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is Risen, Indeed. Alleluia!
Well, I sure do wish I could announce another form of joyful news: our release from the “lockdown” we have endured because of COVID-19. We will endure our sequestration for another month! Yes, this means we enter May with fervent prayers to the Loving Mother of the Redeemer and Her Husband, our Diocesan Patron, and Patron of the Universal Church, St. Joseph.
I invite you to celebrate and pray with me to Our Mother, Mary, and Our Patron, Joseph, starting on 1 May, the Solemnity (for us) of St. Joseph, the Workman. The Holy Mass was celebrated in our Cathedral that bears his name at 12:00 noon. This Mass marked the beginning of a year of thanksgiving, petition, and honor to St. Joseph along with many prayers of special intention for his blessings upon our families (Patron Saint of Husbands, Fathers, and Families) and upon all our beloved dead (Patron Saint of a Happy Death) and special needs of our Diocese (Patron Saint of the Universal Church).
Several different spiritual events, prayers and novenas will be available throughout the year for publication in bulletins or special occasions as we make our way through the year. It, of course, is painfully obvious for all of us to know that our plans often turn to dust in the midst of possible tragedies and sicknesses that come our way. So, please watch our Diocesan website for further information and possible events—some of which may be live-streamed. I am hopeful that in the Fall we may be able to put together a pilgrimage to the St. Joseph Shrine at St. Norbert Abbey in De Pere and then stop at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Hope in Champion (the only authentic Shrine of an apparition of our Lady in the USA.)
So, please keep these thoughts in your prayers along with all the other pressing intentions for the sick and dying. St. Joseph, pray for us!
In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I am,
+William Patrick Callahan, OFM Conv.
Bishop of La Crosse
El obispo Callahan anuncia “Año de San José”
April 2020
Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo:
¡Cristo ha resucitado, Aleluya! Él ha resucitado. ¡Aleluya!
Bueno, que gusto me daría poder anunciar otra forma de noticias alegres: nuestra liberación del “bloqueo” que hemos aguantado debido al COVID-19. ¡Vamos a aguantar nuestro secuestro por otro mes! Sí, esto significa que entramos en mayo con oraciones fervientes a la Madre amorosa del Redentor y su esposo, nuestro Patrón diocesano y Patrón de la Iglesia Universal, San José.
Los invito a celebrar y rezar junto conmigo a Nuestra Madre, María, y Nuestro Patrón, José, a partir del 1 de mayo, la solemnidad (para nosotros) de San José, el Obrero. La Santa Misa se celebró en nuestra Catedral que lleva su nombre a las 12:00 del mediodía. Esta misa marcó el comienzo de un año de acción de gracias, petición y honor a San José, junto con muchas oraciones de intención especial por sus bendiciones sobre nuestras familias (patrón de los maridos, padres y familias) y sobre todos nuestros seres queridos ( patrón de una muerte feliz) y necesidades especiales de nuestra Diócesis (patrón de la Iglesia Universal).
Varios eventos espirituales, oraciones y novenas diferentes estarán disponibles durante todo el año para su publicación en boletines u ocasiones especiales a medida en que avanzamos durante el año. Por supuesto, es dolorosamente obvio para todos nosotros saber que nuestros planes a menudo se convierten en polvo en medio de posibles tragedias y enfermedades que se nos presentan. Por lo tanto, vean nuestro sitio web diocesano para obtener más información de posibles eventos, algunos de los cuales pueden transmitirse en vivo. Tengo la esperanza de que en el otoño podamos organizar una peregrinación al Santuario de San José en la Abadía de San Norberto en De Pere y luego parar en el Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Buena Esperanza en Champion (el único Santuario auténtico de Una aparición de Nuestra Señora en los Estados Unidos.)
Hasta entonces, por favor mantenga estos pensamientos míos en sus oraciones junto con todas las otras intenciones apremiantes para los enfermos y moribundos. San José, ruega por nosotros!
En los corazones de Jesús y María, yo soy,
+William Patrick Callahan, OFM Conv.
Obispo de La Crosse

Year of St. Joseph Prayer Cards
4 ¼” x 5 ½” High-gloss card stock
Pack of 100, English or Spanish
To order, call 608-791-2658

Why Turn to St. Joseph?
The year 2020 marks the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pius IX’s decree naming St. Joseph Patron and Protector of the Universal Church. He is also the primary patron of the Diocese of La Crosse, and of course, the Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman is named for him.
In this challenging time of COVID-19, we can turn to St. Joseph with great hope:
- We can turn to him as protector from harm, even as he protected Mary and the child Jesus from Herod’s wrath;
- St. Joseph was worker and provider for the Holy Family, so to him we can entrust ourselves and our nation in the face of unprecedented unemployment and economic distress;
- As model husband and father, we turn to St. Joseph at a time when good examples of both are so desperately needed. We can ask him to help strengthen our families – as well as the bonds of our “parish family” – at a time when these can be fragile.
- As patron of the dying, we can invoke the intercession of St. Joseph on all who are in their last moments of life, including the elderly and others with terminal disease.
A recent book, Consecration to St. Joseph, by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, is a highly popular resource for learning about, and making a consecration to, St. Joseph. The photo above is taken from the cover of that book. You can visit his website for a wealth of information and to obtain the book.
¿Por qué recurrir a San José?
El año 2020 marca el 150 aniversario del decreto del Beato Pío IX que nombra a San José Patrono y Protector de la Iglesia Universal. También es el principal mecenas de la Diócesis de La Crosse y, por supuesto, la Catedral de San José el Trabajador lleva su nombre.
En este momento desafiante de COVID-19, podemos recurrir a San José con gran esperanza:
· Podemos recurrir a él para que nos proteja del daño, como cuando protegió a María y al niño Jesús de la ira de Herodes;
· San José fue trabajador y proveedor de la Sagrada Familia, por lo que a él podemos confiarnos a nosotros mismos y a nuestra nación ante el desempleo y la angustia económica sin precedents;
· Como esposo y padre modelo, recurrimos a San José en un momento en que se necesitan desesperadamente buenos ejemplos de ambos. Podemos pedirle que ayude a fortalecer a nuestras familias, -así como los lazos de nuestra “familia parroquial”- en un momento en que estos pueden ser frágiles.
· Como patrón de los moribundos, podemos invocar la intercesión de San José sobre todos los que se encuentran en sus últimos momentos de la vida, incluidos los ancianos y otras personas con enfermedades terminales.
Un libro reciente, Consagración a San José, del p. Donald Calloway, MIC, es un recurso muy popular para aprender y consagrarse a San Jose. La foto de aqui está tomada de la portada de ese libro. Puede visitar su sitio web ( para obtener una gran cantidad de información y obtener el libro.
Advent Virtual Mission
“Preparing for the Birth of the Christ Child through the Eyes of St. Joseph”
There will be four presentations, one for each week of Advent. The length of the talks will be roughly 30-40 minutes with discussion questions available at the end of each presentation and available to print from the website. The purpose of this mission is to bring people together to prepare for Christmas and strengthen the community in light of so much isolation. Parishioners may participate by gathering at their parish or by watching at home.
Week 1 – November 29
St. Joseph: The Man Selected by God to be Closest to Mary and to Jesus.
– Msgr. Joseph Diermeier
Week 2 – December 6
Joseph and Mary: A Holy Love Story – Msgr. Joseph Hirsch
Week 3 – December 13
That Holy Night, through Joseph’s Eyes– Father Woodrow Pace
Week 4 – December 20
“Joseph, Son of David…You are to Give Him the Name Jesus”
– Bishop William Patrick Callahan
Shelter Me
Reflecting on St. Joseph, as depicted in the stained glass window of St. Patrick Church in Mauston, Cassandra Thayer offers this song “Shelter Me” by composer Father MIchael Joncas, accompanied by Ann Benz. This is her prayer of thanksgiving for front line workers and also for church leaders as they guide us through this time of uncertainty.
Catholic Life

Year of St. Joseph Image used with permission of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M