The following resources below will help you continue to grow in your understanding and love for Jesus truly present in the Holy Eucharist.
Prayer to Jesus after Holy Communion
Jesus, I believe in you. Jesus, I hope in You.
Jesus, I want to love You with all my heart.
Jesus, I thank You for having come to dwell in me as
I receive You in Holy Communion.
I welcome You into my heart and
I ask you to “crowd out” whatever might be there that is not of You.
And I desire to give You full reign as my Lord, my Savior and my King.
Thank You for giving Your life for me on the Cross,
loving me this much and allowing me to receive You
into my heart in this present moment.
And now that You are so close to me, please help me love You more and more,
and serve You by loving the people around me. Amen.
For a prayer card with this prayer and additional resources visit diolc.org/deeper
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Short Meditations
Grow Your Personal Relationship with Jesus, present in the Eucharist
During this time of seeking to deepen your relationship with the Eucharistic Lord, reflect on an inspiring meditation, either in your quiet time of prayer, or with family or a friend. The meditations include two questions for reflection and two ideas for application to life.
1 – Fostering a personal relationship with the Eucharistic Lord
2 – Exploring the presence of Christ inside and outside the Mass
3 – The Story of Blessed Carlo Acutis and the Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit
4- Joy of Encountering Jesus in the Eucharist
5 – Eucharistic Adoration A Privileged Place of Encountering Jesus
6 – Bringing Children to Eucharistic Adoration
7 – Confession and Communion The Intimate Connection
8 – Walking with Jesus in the Corpus Christi Procession
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
• Shines fresh light on the Last Supperby looking at it through Jewish eyes.
• Answers questions such as: what did Jesus mean when he said, “This is my body…This is my blood”?
• Dr. Brant Pitre is a Distinguished Research Professor of Scripture at the Augustine Institute, and he received his Ph.D. in Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity from the University of Notre Dame.
• Discussion questions available
• Video summary of Pitre’s book
Videos and Website Link
Eucharist: Source and Summit of Our Hope
Presentation by Monsignor Joseph Hirsch of the Diocese of La Crosse
A compelling presentation on how and why we believe that Jesus is truly
present in the Eucharist.
The Incredible Details of Eucharist Miracles
with Father Robert Spitzer and Chris Stefanick
A fascinating scientific explanation of Miracles of the Eucharist and its implications in our own spiritual lives.
The Fourteen Stations of the Eucharist
By Fr. Jonathan Meyer, a Eucharistic Preacher for the National Eucharistic Revival
The traditional 14 Stations of the Cross have been a stronghold in Catholic Culture. The devotion, begun by St. Francis of Assisi, allows the Christian to walk through the streets of Jerusalem, stopping along the way for 14 meditations on the Passion of our Lord. Similarly, these 14 Stations of the Eucharist walk us through the Bible and show references that support the doctrine of the Eucharist in Sacred Scripture and our 2,000-year Tradition.
The Eucharist throughout History: A timeline
This timeline is a summary through history of how God prepared us for the Eucharist by revealing signs and performing miracles. These signs and miracles help us understand the incredible significance of the Eucharist as the “Source and Summit of the Christian Faith.” Click here for a printable version.
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The Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit
Carlo’s exhibition presents a selection of the main Eucharistic Miracles which occurred over the centuries in various countries that are recognized by the Church. There are about 158 miracles collected, each on a 2’x3′ laminated panel. Through these panels you can “virtually visit” the places where the miracles happenend. Learn more about Displays designed by Blessed Carlo Acutis at MiracoliEucaristici.org
To reserve the displays at your parish, please contact the Marian Catechist Office, 5250 Justin Rd, La Crosse, WI 54601 at 608-615-0011 or email Pbrueggen@guadalupeshrine.org OR Kfry@guadalupeshrine.org
Suggested donation $250-$300 for a 4-day presentation
True Stories of Eucharistic Miracles
1. A Close-up Look at a Eucharistic Miracle from 2008 – Sokółka, Poland
2. A Miracle in Honduras – 2022
3. Scientific Evidence for a Eucharistic Miracle – Tixtla, Mexico, 2006
4. Bring Good Uut of Evil: The Incredible Eucharistic Miracle of Santarém – Portugal
5. The Eucharistic Miracle of Assisi: “I Will Always Protect You!”
6. God’s Miracles Deepen our Eucharistic Revival: Lanciano, Italy
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A Minute with Jesus
The purpose of A minute with Jesus is to help provide better understanding and deeper love for Jesus in the Eucharist, in concise proclamations that can be remembered. The words in parenthesis are simplified phrasing for younger children. A minute with Jesus may be used with families, in parish communications, in schools, parish Faith Formation Programs, and organizations etc.
The use of Sacred Art with A Minute with Jesus will be helpful but not necessary. To provide Sacred Art that corresponds with each Proclamation, Google, for the first one, “icon of our Heavenly Father” and click on “Images” to choose a beautiful image. Pull up the image to look at while you are reflecting on the text, or print a high resolution picture. Note, for the first two, our Heavenly Father is not an old man, but the way He is portrayed in art.
Learn How to Embrace the Gift of the Eucharist
A two-hour course combining teaching and inspiration, led by Bishop Cozzens, one of the primary architects of the three-year Eucharistic Revival.
St. Teresa of Calcutta and the Eucharist
A two-minute video showing the centrality of the Eucharist in the life of Mother Teresa and the work of her Missionaries of Charity
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Excellent Scripture Studies regarding the Holy Eucharist
Each of these Bible Studies, presented on DVD and including workbooks, are by notable Catholic authors.
The Eucharist is the heart of the Church. Where Eucharistic life flourishes,
there the life of the church will blossom. – Pope Saint John Paul II
Eucharistic Revival Series
Eucharistic Revival Diocesan Webpage: diolc.org/eucharist
Eucharistic Revival Series: Jesus’ True Presence in the Eucharist
Jesus is Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” Jesus came to be with us in order to save us. Again and again, Jesus comes to us in the Eucharist. Our faith comes alive as we understand better that Jesus gives us His Real Presence in the Eucharist.
Join Msgr. Joseph Hirsch, Director: Casa Hogar Juan Pablo II Orphanage, Lurin, Peru as he presents Jesus’ True Presence in the Eucharist.
Eucharistic Revival Series: Receiving and Adoring Jesus – Communion and Thanksgiving
We want to understand better the Gift of the Eucharist so that we can love Jesus more. Jesus gives us the greatest Gift – the Gift of Himself in the Eucharist again and again in a life-giving encounter. Jesus gives us Himself as food – He literally is the Bread of Life – supernatural bread that saves us, that spiritually nourishes and strengthens us with His grace. Through receiving the Eucharist, Jesus strengthens our identity as sons and daughters of God the Father.
Join Fr. Justin Kizewski, Faculty: St. Francis de Sales Seminary, Milwaukee as he presents Receiving and Adoring Jesus – Communion and Thanksgiving.
Eucharistic Revival: Offering Ourselves with Jesus to the Father
We need to take time to focus on spiritual realities. Through Jesus, grace, truth and life entered into the world. At Mass, Jesus continues to come to us in the Eucharist. In union with Jesus, we can offer all that we are and everything that we have been given in thanksgiving to the Father.
Join Msgr. Richard Gilles, Rector: Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman, La Crosse as he presents Offering Ourselves with Jesus to the Father.
Eucharistic Revival: The Eucharist as the ‘Source and Summit’ of the Church’s Life
In the fullness of time, our Heavenly Father sent His Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins. Jesus gave us the Eucharist, as a memorial of His Passion and Death. When we receive the Eucharist, we literally receive Jesus Himself. The Eucharist is our solid foundation and highest point of union with God on earth.
Join Fr. Steven Weller, Chaplain: Assumption Middle and High School, Wisconsin Rapids as he presents The Eucharist as the ‘Source and Summit’ of the Church’s Life.
Catholic Life Articles
Brief articles explaining the Eucharistic Revival and aspects of the Eucharist
National Eucharistic Revival
Christopher Carstens, Director of the Office for Sacred Worship
“My flesh for the life of the world” Jn 6:51 “Let the revival begin!” With these words, Bishop Andrew Cozzens of Crookston, Minn., welcomed the affirmative vote of his brother bishops at their 2021 meeting in Baltimore. The topic at hand was a three-year plan to revive the place of the Eucharist in the minds, …
Christ’s True Presence in the Holy Eucharist
Ann Lankford, Director of the Office for Catechesis and Evangelization
As everyone knows, and hunger pains won’t let us forget, our physical bodies must be nourished regularly to sustain life. Likewise, our spiritual souls must be nourished by God on a regular basis with the sacred food of Christ Himself—the holy Eucharist.
The Most Real Thing About Us Is Our Need for God
Ann Lankford, Director of the Office for Catechesis and Evangelization
It is expedient to ponder the question, “Why do we need God?” We need God because He is our loving Father, without Whom we would not even exist, and who gives us everything we need and will protect us from what will separate us from Him.
A Devotional Journey Into the Mass
A Devotional Journey Into the Mass
If you’re unhappy because the Mass has become for you routine or even boring and tedious these short recordings are for you. They teach you eight simple ways to make your every Mass a joyful time of piety and intense devotion.
Explaining the spiritual meanings behind the signs and symbols, words and actions of the Mass, author Christopher Carstens teaches you spiritually-enriching ways to enter the church building, make the Sign of the Cross, pray the Opening Prayer, listen to the Readings, prepare your soul at the Offertory, participate in the Eucharistic Prayer, receive Communion, and even respond to the Dismissal.
Soon with the help of author Carstens wise suggestions you will be surprised to find each Eucharistic Celebration a fountain of peace for you, a profound refreshment for your soul.