Do you have questions about who God is, what He wants and how you can know Him personally? The following one-page answers will help.
How God Guides Us
- Relationship comes first!
- One Step at a Time
- Through Jesus Words in Scripture
- Through Other People
- Through the Holy Angels
- Through the Experience of Peace in Our Heart
- God Guides Us Through Our Thoughts
- Sin Blinds
- Receiving God’s Guidance Requires Surrender
Jesus, God
- The Good News
- A Promise from Jesus
- Thanksgiving
- We need the help of the Holy Spirit
- Jesus, Risen from the Dead, is Calling Your Name
- What happens when you encounter the Risen Christ?
- How Real is Jesus to you?
- How do I deepen my friendship with Jesus Christ?
- How is Jesus the Mediator between God and Humanity?
- How is the Holy Spirit relevant today?
- Trust and the Divine Mercy Message
- What does the Church Really Teach about Mary?
- What does the Church Really Teach about Mary as the Immaculate Conception?
- What does the Church Really Teach about Mary as Mother of God?
- What does the Church teach about the Perpetual Virginity of Mary?
- What does the Church teach about Mary’s Assumption into Heaven?
- What does the Church teach about Mary’s Spiritual Motherhood?
- What is the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe?
- What does it mean that Mary is the Immaculate Conception?
The Human Person
- Only in Truth Do We Find Freedom
- Go to the Upper Room
- Looking for a Good Book
- Forgiveness
- Making Your Home a Safe Haven
Theology of the Body
- Seeing Human Dignity through the Theology of the Body
- Theology of the Body – St. John Paul II’s Roadmap to Happiness
- Personally Encountering Jesus
- Going Deeper in Prayer
- Why do we make the Sign of the Cross
- Do You Pray with Your Heart?
- Why is Spiritual Reading essential?
- How does God guide us?
- How does Prayer deepen Our Relationship with Christ?
- The importance of commitment
The Bible
- The Masterworks of God
- Becoming a Beloved Child of the Father– Baptism
- Receiving Forgiveness, Freedom and Peace – Reconciliation
- Christ’s True Presence in the Holy Eucharist – Holy Eucharist
- The Holy Spirit – God’s Divine Life and Power within Us – Confirmation
- Marriage is God’s Plan – Marriage
- Called by God to Serve as Christ’s Personal Representative – Holy Orders
- A Sacrament of Healing Anointing of the Sick and the Preparation for the Journey Home – Anointing of the Sick
- Why is Baptism Necessary?
- The Sacrament of Reconciliation Forgiveness is Essential
- A Little Boy Asks an Important Question
- What can I learn from the Woman at the Well?
- What was the Confessional Surprise?
- Why go to Confession?
- Why did the Holy Spirit need to come on Pentecost?
- How does Confirmation complement Baptism?
- What is Sacramental Grace and who needs it?
- What about distractions at Mass?
- Why does Holy Mass matter?
Community (serving others, small groups etc.)
- To Ukraine, with Love Please Help this People Ravaged by War 3.1.22
- Join with a Small Group of Friends
- What is the value of small groups?
- Persecuted Christians in Iraq Need Our Prayers and Support
Liturgical Year
- Lent, Praying with a Scripture Passage
- Lent A Time of Purification and Enlightenment
- Making Lent Count
- How can I go deeper during Lent?
- Preparing for Easter. Receiving God’s Healing and Strength
- Holy Week Schedule
- Entering into Holy Week with fillable boxes for parish schedule
- Easter Pew Card 2021
- Divine Mercy Sunday
- Remember! Return in Thanksgiving
- Preparing for Christmas
- Do Not Be Afraid
- Advent Preparing for the Coming of Christ
- Advent sets the stage for Christmas Joy
- What is the meaning of Advent
- What is the Holy Gift Exchange for Christmas
- Advent – Getting Ready
- Advent Preparing Your Heart for Christmas
- Advent Preparing for the Coming of Christ
- Living the Joy of the Holy Family
- What is Epiphany
- Epiphany Blessing of the Home
- Cherish and Protect the Family – God’s Masterpiece
- Be Thankful!
- Why are you standing there Go
- Holy Week fill-in schedule color
- Preparing for Christmas, for Busy People
- Experiencing Advent Deeply
- Thanksgiving… A Word to Live By
- What are the Catholic Roots of Thanksgiving
- Entering Holy Week
God’s Mercy
- Divine Mercy Sunday
- Unplanned and the Gift of Divine Mercy
- Who needs Mercy?
- How does Mercy begin in the home?
- What gift is received in showing Mercy?
- A Peace Plan from Heaven
- June Apparition of Our Lady Fatima
- July 13 Apparition and the Secret of Fatima
- The Fourth Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima
- Fifth Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima
- The 6th Apparition and the Miracle of the Sun
Catholic Teaching
- What do we believe about Angels?
- Why is the Catechism of the Catholic Church Important?
- How can We know Our Vocation?
- What are the 4 Different Kinds of Happiness?
Pro Life
- New Hope for Unborn Babies – Pray for the Supreme Court
- Unplanned and the Gift of Divine Mercy
- Look in God’s Mirror
How does it all fit together?
June 17, 2016
Growing up Catholic I learned a good deal of “information” over the years about the Faith. The only problem was that all of this “information” seemed unrelated and therefore did not make sense to me. What I learned in a homily or read in a book, or even talked about with family and friends never took me deeper in my relationship with Jesus Christ, frankly because it was too hard to try to remember the seemingly disconnected facts. The heart of the problem was that I did not know the foundation of everything that we believe.
When I heard someone tell The Story of the Bible in a just a few minutes, I said to myself, “Now I get it!” I had this funny image come to mind of a clothesline. The major points of The Story were on the clothesline and anything I learned could now be “attached” in the proper place. Everything lined up in an order that made sense and now I understood the big picture of who God is; what He wants; who I am and how I want to respond to Him.
So here is the “clothesline.” The main point of The Story is that God loves you and wants to be united with you.
There is only one God but in God there are three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We call the three Persons in one God the Blessed Trinity. God is total, self-giving love and He desires to share His love with you in a deep personal friendship.
God creates man and woman out of love
God creates Adam and Eve to be united with Him in a relationship of love. God dwells within the soul of Adam and Eve. We call this grace – a share in God’s life.
Adam and Eve disobey God, separating themselves from Him.
Through the Original Sin, Adam and Eve separate themselves from God. They lose the gift of grace that God had given them. They are no longer united with God in a relationship of love. There is nothing Adam and Eve, or you and I, can do on our own to fix the problem of the Original Sin, which causes separation from God.
God still loves Adam and Eve even though they have sinned. God promises a Redeemer.
Jesus, our Redeemer, does not come right away because God wants His people to see and understand that they cannot love Him, themselves or others without His Divine help – His gift of grace.
God gives Moses the Ten Commandments
These Commandments are Laws of Love so that we know how to live to stay close to God, to live a life of interior joy and peace. However, no matter how hard they try, God’s Chosen people keep disobeying Him, choosing against His Love – by rejecting His Laws given to protect them, and us, from a life of emptiness and misery. Before Jesus’ coming, the people are unable to be faithful to God because they do not have His gift of grace – His Divine Life within them.
God kept His Promise. The Savior is born in a stable.
Jesus comes to be among us and chooses these humble circumstances so that we will know that He is the Savior for every person, rich and poor alike.
At age 33, Jesus begins His public ministry, choosing 12 Apostles, giving them His teachings, establishing one Church, and instituting seven Sacraments. The Sacraments are the means through which we receive God’s gift of grace, His divine life within us. This shows how much God loves us in that He wants to be so close to us. He wants to dwell within us! God the Son became Man to reunite us with God in a relationship of love through His grace received in the Sacraments.
Jesus suffers greatly and dies on the Cross
Jesus dies out of love for us so that our sins can be forgiven and we can be reunited with the Blessed Trinity in a relationship of love through grace.
Jesus rises from the dead on the third day.
Through His Resurrection from the dead, Jesus overcomes Satan, sin and death.
The Holy Spirit at Pentecost
Jesus sends God the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the Apostles to empower them to publicly manifest the Catholic Church: they go forth to teach, preach and baptize as well as celebrate the other six Sacraments. In the Sacrament of Baptism, the Person of the Holy Spirit in the Church restores to the baptized God’s grace lost through sin, reuniting us in a relationship of love with the Blessed Trinity.
The Story of God’s Family
God desires that we know Him through a deep personal friendship. He wants us to be so close to Him, so united with Him, that He allows us to receive Him in the Sacraments through the one Church that Jesus established.
Our Response
How should we respond to The Story? Thank God for His personal love for you. Ask God to help you to know Him personally through the Person of Jesus Christ. Talk with God often, as you do with any friend, about anything happening in your life, no matter how small.
Ann Lankford
Director for Catechesis and Evangelization