Holy Family Catholic School
ArcadiaGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Leanne Haines
Address: 532 McKinley Street, Arcadia, WI, USA
Phone: 608-323-3676
Website: http://arcadiahfcs.wixsite.com/holyfamily

Address: 532 McKinley Street, Arcadia, WI, USA
Phone: 608-323-3676
Website: http://arcadiahfcs.wixsite.com/holyfamily

St. Anthony de Padua Catholic School
AthensGrades: 4K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Kaylyn Halopka
Address: 309 Mueller Street, Athens, WI, USA
Phone: 715-257-7541
Website: http://www.stanthonyathens.com/st-anthony-school

Address: 309 Mueller Street, Athens, WI, USA
Phone: 715-257-7541
Website: http://www.stanthonyathens.com/st-anthony-school

St. Paul Catholic School
BloomerGrades: PreK, 4K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Jacqueline Peterson
Address: 1210 Main Street, Bloomer, WI, USA
Phone: 715-568-3233
Website: http://stpauls.bloomertel.net/

Address: 1210 Main Street, Bloomer, WI, USA
Phone: 715-568-3233
Website: http://stpauls.bloomertel.net/

St. Joseph Catholic School
BoydGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Principal: Russ Jensen
Address: 813 East Patten Street, Boyd, WI, USA
Phone: 715-703-1034
Website: http://allsaintscathcom.com/school

Address: 813 East Patten Street, Boyd, WI, USA
Phone: 715-703-1034
Website: http://allsaintscathcom.com/school

Notre Dame Middle School (MACS)
Chippewa FallsGrades: 6, 7, 8
Principal: Eric Wedemeyer
Address: 1316 Bel Air Boulevard, Chippewa Falls, WI, USA
Phone: 715-723-4777
Website: http://www.mcdonellareacatholicschools.org/academics/middle.cfm

Address: 1316 Bel Air Boulevard, Chippewa Falls, WI, USA
Phone: 715-723-4777
Website: http://www.mcdonellareacatholicschools.org/academics/middle.cfm

St. Charles Borromeo Primary School (MACS)
Chippewa FallsGrades: 4K, K, 1, 2
Principal: Jamie Dodge
Address: 429 Spruce Street, Chippewa Falls, WI, USA
Phone: 715-723-5827
Website: http://www.mcdonellareacatholicschools.org/academics/elementary.cfm

Address: 429 Spruce Street, Chippewa Falls, WI, USA
Phone: 715-723-5827
Website: http://www.mcdonellareacatholicschools.org/academics/elementary.cfm

Holy Ghost Elementary School (MACS)
Chippewa FallsGrades: 3, 4, 5
Principal: Gwen Doyle
Address: 436 South Main Street, Chippewa Falls, WI, USA
Phone: 715-723-6478
Website: http://www.mcdonellareacatholicschools.org/academics/elementary.cfm

Address: 436 South Main Street, Chippewa Falls, WI, USA
Phone: 715-723-6478
Website: http://www.mcdonellareacatholicschools.org/academics/elementary.cfm

McDonell Central Catholic High School (MACS)
Chippewa FallsGrades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Principal: Eric Wedemeyer
Address: 1316 Bel Air Boulevard, Chippewa Falls, WI, USA
Phone: 715-723-9126
Website: http://www.mcdonellareacatholicschools.org/academics/high.cfm

Address: 1316 Bel Air Boulevard, Chippewa Falls, WI, USA
Phone: 715-723-9126
Website: http://www.mcdonellareacatholicschools.org/academics/high.cfm

McDonell Area Catholic Schools (MACS)
Chippewa FallsGrades:
Principal: Molly Bushman, President
Address: 1316 Bel Air Boulevard, Chippewa Falls, WI, USA
Phone: 715-723-0538
Website: http://www.mcdonellareacatholicschools.org/

Address: 1316 Bel Air Boulevard, Chippewa Falls, WI, USA
Phone: 715-723-0538
Website: http://www.mcdonellareacatholicschools.org/

St. Mary School
ColbyGrades: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Sara Giza
Address: 209 South 2nd Street, Colby, WI, USA
Phone: 715-223-3033
Website: https://stmaryschoolcolby.org/

Address: 209 South 2nd Street, Colby, WI, USA
Phone: 715-223-3033
Website: https://stmaryschoolcolby.org/

Assumption Catholic School
DurandGrades: K, 1, 2, 3
Principal: Mary Lansing
Address: n6217 County Highway V, Durand, Lima, WI, USA
Phone: 715-672-4276
Website: https://www.catholictriparish.org

Address: n6217 County Highway V, Durand, Lima, WI, USA
Phone: 715-672-4276
Website: https://www.catholictriparish.org

Assumption Catholic School
DurandGrades: 4K, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Mary Lansing
Address: 901 West Prospect Street, Durand, WI 54736, USA
Phone: 715-672-5617
Website: https://www.catholictriparish.org

Address: 901 West Prospect Street, Durand, WI 54736, USA
Phone: 715-672-5617
Website: https://www.catholictriparish.org

Regis Catholic Schools (RCS)
Eau ClaireGrades:
Principal: Paul Pedersen, President
Address: 2728 Mall Drive, Eau Claire, WI, USA
Phone: 715-830-2273
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/

Address: 2728 Mall Drive, Eau Claire, WI, USA
Phone: 715-830-2273
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/

Regis Catholic High School (RCS)
Eau ClaireGrades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Principal: William (Bill) Giese
Address: 2100 Fenwick Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701, USA
Phone: 715-830-2271
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/schools/regis-high-school/

Address: 2100 Fenwick Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701, USA
Phone: 715-830-2271
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/schools/regis-high-school/

Regis Middle School (RCS)
Eau ClaireGrades: 6, 7, 8
Principal: William (Bill) Giese
Address: 2100 Fenwick Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701, USA
Phone: 715-830-2272
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/schools/regis-middle-school/

Address: 2100 Fenwick Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701, USA
Phone: 715-830-2272
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/schools/regis-middle-school/

Immaculate Conception School (RCS)
Eau ClaireGrades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Principal: Emily Brissette
Address: 1703 Sherwin Avenue; 54701
Phone: 715-830-2276
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/schools/immaculate-conception/

Address: 1703 Sherwin Avenue; 54701
Phone: 715-830-2276
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/schools/immaculate-conception/

Regis Child Development Center (RCS)
Eau ClaireGrades: 4K
Principal: Gayle Flaig, Director
Address: 2114 Fenwick Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701, USA
Phone: 715-830-2274
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/schools/child-dev-center/

Address: 2114 Fenwick Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701, USA
Phone: 715-830-2274
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/schools/child-dev-center/

St. James The Greater Elementary School (RCS)
Eau ClaireGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Principal: Linda Schultz
Address: 2502 11th Street, Eau Claire, WI 54703, USA
Phone: 715-830-2277
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/schools/stjames-elementary/

Address: 2502 11th Street, Eau Claire, WI 54703, USA
Phone: 715-830-2277
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/schools/stjames-elementary/

St. Mary’s Elementary School (RCS)
Eau Claire (Altoona)Grades: PreK, 4K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Principal: Carisa Smiskey
Address: 1828 Lynn Avenue, Altoona, WI 54720, USA
Phone: 715-830-2278
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/schools/stmarys-elementary/

Address: 1828 Lynn Avenue, Altoona, WI 54720, USA
Phone: 715-830-2278
Website: http://www.regiscatholicschools.com/schools/stmarys-elementary/

St. John The Baptist Catholic School
EdgarGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Jessica Halvorsen
Address: 125 North 4th Avenue, Edgar, WI 54426, USA
Phone: 715-352-3000
Website: http://stjohn-edgar.org/clickbuilds/StJohn/school

Address: 125 North 4th Avenue, Edgar, WI 54426, USA
Phone: 715-352-3000
Website: http://stjohn-edgar.org/clickbuilds/StJohn/school

St. Francis School
EllsworthGrades: 4K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Principal: Mark Matzek
Address: 244 West Woodworth Street, Ellsworth, WI, USA
Phone: 715-273-4391
Website: http://www.stfrancisellsworth.org/

Address: 244 West Woodworth Street, Ellsworth, WI, USA
Phone: 715-273-4391
Website: http://www.stfrancisellsworth.org/

St. Charles School
GenoaGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Principal: Rev. Daniel J. Sedlacek
Address: 707 Eagle Street, Genoa, WI, USA
Phone: 608-689-2642
Website: https://stcharlesgenoa.org/school-2/about-our-school/

Address: 707 Eagle Street, Genoa, WI, USA
Phone: 608-689-2642
Website: https://stcharlesgenoa.org/school-2/about-our-school/

Saints Peter and Paul School
IndependenceGrades: PreK, 4K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Amanda Gierok
Address: 36100 Osseo Road, Independence, WI 54747, USA
Phone: 715-985-3719
Website: https://sites.google.com/ssppwi.org/ssppcatholicschool

Address: 36100 Osseo Road, Independence, WI 54747, USA
Phone: 715-985-3719
Website: https://sites.google.com/ssppwi.org/ssppcatholicschool

Aquinas High School (ACS-LC)
La CrosseGrades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Principal: Adam Poellinger
Address: 315 11th Street South, La Crosse, WI, USA
Phone: 608-784-0287
Website: https://www.aquinascatholicschools.org/ahs-home

Address: 315 11th Street South, La Crosse, WI, USA
Phone: 608-784-0287
Website: https://www.aquinascatholicschools.org/ahs-home

St. Joseph The Workman Cathedral School (ACS-LC)
La CrosseGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2
Principal: Tara Rooney Key
Address: 1319 Ferry Street, La Crosse, WI, USA
Phone: 608-782-5998
Website: https://www.aquinascatholicschools.org/ces-home

Address: 1319 Ferry Street, La Crosse, WI, USA
Phone: 608-782-5998
Website: https://www.aquinascatholicschools.org/ces-home

Blessed Sacrament School (ACS-LC)
La CrosseGrades: 3, 4, 5, 6
Principal: Kate Moll
Address: 2404 King Street, La Crosse, WI, USA
Phone: 608-782-5564
Website: https://www.aquinascatholicschools.org/bss-home

Address: 2404 King Street, La Crosse, WI, USA
Phone: 608-782-5564
Website: https://www.aquinascatholicschools.org/bss-home

Aquinas Middle School (ACS-LC)
La CrosseGrades: 7, 8
Principal: Adam Poellinger
Address: 315 11th Street South, La Crosse, WI, USA
Phone: 608-784-0156
Website: https://www.aquinascatholicschools.org/ams-home

Address: 315 11th Street South, La Crosse, WI, USA
Phone: 608-784-0156
Website: https://www.aquinascatholicschools.org/ams-home

Aquinas Catholic Schools (ACS-LC)
La CrosseGrades:
Principal: Ted Knutson, President
Address: 315 11th Street South, La Crosse, WI, USA
Phone: 608-784-8585
Website: http://www.aquinasschools.org/

Address: 315 11th Street South, La Crosse, WI, USA
Phone: 608-784-8585
Website: http://www.aquinasschools.org/

St. Patricks School (ACS-LC)
La Crosse (Onalaska)Grades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Principal: Angela Koblitz
Address: 127 11th Avenue North, Onalaska, WI, USA
Phone: 608-783-5483
Website: https://www.aquinascatholicschools.org/stp-home

Address: 127 11th Avenue North, Onalaska, WI, USA
Phone: 608-783-5483
Website: https://www.aquinascatholicschools.org/stp-home

St. Anthony School
LoyalGrades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Principal: Barbara Kingsbury
Address: 208 West Spring Street, Loyal, WI, USA
Phone: 715-255-8636
Website: https://stanthonyloyal.org/our-school

Address: 208 West Spring Street, Loyal, WI, USA
Phone: 715-255-8636
Website: https://stanthonyloyal.org/our-school

St. Mary School
MarathonGrades: 4K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Marisa Doll
Address: 716 Market Street, Marathon City, WI, USA
Phone: 715-443-3430
Website: http://www.stmarysmarathon.org/

Address: 716 Market Street, Marathon City, WI, USA
Phone: 715-443-3430
Website: http://www.stmarysmarathon.org/

St. John The Baptist Primary School (CCS)
MarshfieldGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2
Principal: David Eaton
Address: 307 North Walnut Avenue
Phone: 715-384-4989
Website: https://www.columbuscatholicschools.org/

Address: 307 North Walnut Avenue
Phone: 715-384-4989
Website: https://www.columbuscatholicschools.org/

Our Lady of Peace Intermediate School (CCS)
MarshfieldGrades: 3, 4, 5
Principal: David Eaton
Address: 1300 West 5th Street, Marshfield, WI, USA
Phone: 715-384-5474
Website: https://www.columbuscatholicschools.org/

Address: 1300 West 5th Street, Marshfield, WI, USA
Phone: 715-384-5474
Website: https://www.columbuscatholicschools.org/

Columbus Middle School (CCS)
MarshfieldGrades: 6, 7, 8
Principal: Michael Lambrecht
Address: 710 South Columbus Avenue, Marshfield, WI, USA
Phone: 715-387-1177
Website: https://www.columbuscatholicschools.org/

Address: 710 South Columbus Avenue, Marshfield, WI, USA
Phone: 715-387-1177
Website: https://www.columbuscatholicschools.org/

Columbus Catholic Schools (CCS)
Principal: David Eaton, President
Address: 710 South Columbus Avenue, Marshfield, WI, USA
Phone: 715-387-1177
Website: https://www.columbuscatholicschools.org/

Address: 710 South Columbus Avenue, Marshfield, WI, USA
Phone: 715-387-1177
Website: https://www.columbuscatholicschools.org/

Columbus High School (CCS)
MarshfieldGrades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Principal: Michael Lambrecht
Address: 710 South Columbus Avenue, Marshfield, WI, USA
Phone: 715-387-1177
Website: https://www.columbuscatholicschools.org/

Address: 710 South Columbus Avenue, Marshfield, WI, USA
Phone: 715-387-1177
Website: https://www.columbuscatholicschools.org/

St. Patrick School
MaustonGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Toni Ross
Address: 325 Mansion Street, Mauston, WI, USA
Phone: 608-847-5844
Website: http://www.stpatricksmauston.com/

Address: 325 Mansion Street, Mauston, WI, USA
Phone: 608-847-5844
Website: http://www.stpatricksmauston.com/

St. Joseph Grade School
MenomonieGrades: PreK, 4K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Principal: Mary Kiefer
Address: 910 Wilson Avenue, Menomonie, WI, USA
Phone: 715-232-4920
Website: http://www.menomoniecatholic.org/

Address: 910 Wilson Avenue, Menomonie, WI, USA
Phone: 715-232-4920
Website: http://www.menomoniecatholic.org/

Sacred Heart School
PoloniaGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Principal: Dawn Cisewski
Address: 7379 Church Street, Custer, WI, USA
Phone: 715-592-4902
Website: https://www.sacredheartpolonia.com/sacred-heart-school

Address: 7379 Church Street, Custer, WI, USA
Phone: 715-592-4902
Website: https://www.sacredheartpolonia.com/sacred-heart-school

Prairie Catholic School
Prairie Du ChienGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Michelle Kapfhamer
Address: 515 North Beaumont Road, Prairie du Chien, WI, USA
Phone: 608-326-8624
Website: http://prairiecatholic.org/PCSchool.html

Address: 515 North Beaumont Road, Prairie du Chien, WI, USA
Phone: 608-326-8624
Website: http://prairiecatholic.org/PCSchool.html

St. Joseph Parish School
PrescottGrades: 4K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Principal: Chris Magee
Address: 281 Dakota Street South, Prescott, WI, USA
Phone: 715-262-5912
Website: http://school.stjosephprescott.com/

Address: 281 Dakota Street South, Prescott, WI, USA
Phone: 715-262-5912
Website: http://school.stjosephprescott.com/

St, Mary of the Assumption Catholic School
Richland CenterGrades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Stacia Kohlstedt
Address: 155 West 5th Street, Richland Center, WI, USA
Phone: 608-647-2422
Website: http://www.stmarysrc.com/school

Address: 155 West 5th Street, Richland Center, WI, USA
Phone: 608-647-2422
Website: http://www.stmarysrc.com/school

St. Adalbert School
RosholtGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Address: 3314 St Adalberts Rd, Rosholt, WI, USA
Phone: 715-677-4517
Website: http://www.rosholtcatholic.org/school

Address: 3314 St Adalberts Rd, Rosholt, WI, USA
Phone: 715-677-4517
Website: http://www.rosholtcatholic.org/school

St. Patrick School
SpartaGrades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Dr. Jessica Williams
Address: 100 South L Street, Sparta, WI, USA
Phone: 608-269-4748
Website: https://stpatspartaschool.com/

Address: 100 South L Street, Sparta, WI, USA
Phone: 608-269-4748
Website: https://stpatspartaschool.com/

Pacelli Catholic Schools (PCS)
Stevens PointGrades:
Principal: Phil VanDenBrink, President
Address: 1301 Maria Drive, Stevens Point, WI, USA
Phone: 715-341-2445
Website: http://pacellicatholicschools.com/

Address: 1301 Maria Drive, Stevens Point, WI, USA
Phone: 715-341-2445
Website: http://pacellicatholicschools.com/

Pacelli Catholic High School (PCS)
Stevens PointGrades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Principal: Lawrence P. Theiss
Address: 1301 Maria Drive, Stevens Point, WI, USA
Phone: 715-341-2442
Website: http://pacellicatholicschools.com/schools/pacelli-catholic-high-school/

Address: 1301 Maria Drive, Stevens Point, WI, USA
Phone: 715-341-2442
Website: http://pacellicatholicschools.com/schools/pacelli-catholic-high-school/

Pacelli Catholic Middle School (PCS)
Stevens PointGrades: 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Ellen Lopas
Address: 708 1st Street, Stevens Point, WI, USA
Phone: 715-344-1890
Website: http://pacellicatholicschools.com/schools/pacelli-middle-school/

Address: 708 1st Street, Stevens Point, WI, USA
Phone: 715-344-1890
Website: http://pacellicatholicschools.com/schools/pacelli-middle-school/

Pacelli Catholic Elementary School – St. Stephen (PCS)
Stevens PointGrades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4
Principal: Jamie Nowinski
Address: 1335 Clark Street, Stevens Point, WI, USA
Phone: 715-344-3751
Website: http://pacellicatholicschools.com/schools/pacelli-catholic-elementary-st-stephen

Address: 1335 Clark Street, Stevens Point, WI, USA
Phone: 715-344-3751
Website: http://pacellicatholicschools.com/schools/pacelli-catholic-elementary-st-stephen

Pacelli Catholic Schools Tim Copps Early Childhood Center
Stevens PointGrades: PreK, 4K
Principal: Cindy O'Sullivan, Director
Address: 2150 High Street, Stevens Point, WI, USA
Phone: 715-341-2878
Website: http://pacellicatholicschools.com/schools/pacelli-catholic-early-childhood-center/

Address: 2150 High Street, Stevens Point, WI, USA
Phone: 715-341-2878
Website: http://pacellicatholicschools.com/schools/pacelli-catholic-early-childhood-center/

Pacelli Catholic Elementary School – St. Bronislava (PCS)
Stevens Point (Plover)Grades: PreK, 4K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4
Principal: Tiffany Wittmus
Address: 3301 Willow Drive, Plover, WI, USA
Phone: 715-342-2015
Website: http://pacellicatholicschools.com/schools/pacelli-catholic-elementary-st-bronislava/

Address: 3301 Willow Drive, Plover, WI, USA
Phone: 715-342-2015
Website: http://pacellicatholicschools.com/schools/pacelli-catholic-elementary-st-bronislava/

St. Joseph School
StratfordGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Sally Wenzel
Address: 430 East Larch Street, Stratford, WI, USA
Phone: 715-687-4145
Website: http://school.stjosephstratford.org/

Address: 430 East Larch Street, Stratford, WI, USA
Phone: 715-687-4145
Website: http://school.stjosephstratford.org/

Thorp Catholic School
ThorpGrades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Kendra Conley
Address: 411 East School Street, Thorp, WI, USA
Phone: 715-669-5530
Website: http://www.stbernardsthedwig.org/

Address: 411 East School Street, Thorp, WI, USA
Phone: 715-669-5530
Website: http://www.stbernardsthedwig.org/

Queen of the Apostles School
TomahGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Debra Pfab
Address: 315 West Monroe Street, Tomah, WI, USA
Phone: 608-372-5765
Website: https://www.queenoftheapostlestomah.com/home99a4ad84

Address: 315 West Monroe Street, Tomah, WI, USA
Phone: 608-372-5765
Website: https://www.queenoftheapostlestomah.com/home99a4ad84

St. Boniface School
WaumandeeGrades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: Olivia Wick
Address: s2026 County Road U, Waumandee, WI, USA
Phone: 608-626-2611
Website: http://www.tresecclesiae.org/st-boniface-school

Address: s2026 County Road U, Waumandee, WI, USA
Phone: 608-626-2611
Website: http://www.tresecclesiae.org/st-boniface-school

Newman Catholic Classical School - Holy Name (NCS)
WausauGrades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Principal: James Lynch
Address: 1122 South 9th Avenue, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-298-1264
Website: https://www.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/nccs-holy-name

Address: 1122 South 9th Avenue, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-298-1264
Website: https://www.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/nccs-holy-name

Newman Catholic Early Childhood Center – St. Michael (NCS)
WausauGrades: PreK, 4K
Principal: Sara Welch, Director
Address: 615 Stark Street, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-848-0206
Website: https://ncecc.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/ncecc-st-michael

Address: 615 Stark Street, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-848-0206
Website: https://ncecc.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/ncecc-st-michael

Newman Catholic Elementary School – St. Anne (NCS)
WausauGrades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Principal: Caleb Feidt
Address: 604 North 6th Avenue, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-845-5754
Website: https://nces.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/nces-st-anne

Address: 604 North 6th Avenue, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-845-5754
Website: https://nces.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/nces-st-anne

Newman Catholic Middle School (NCS)
WausauGrades: 6, 7, 8
Principal: Waylon Resch
Address: 1130 West Bridge Street, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-845-8274
Website: https://ncmhs.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/newman-catholic-middle-school

Address: 1130 West Bridge Street, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-845-8274
Website: https://ncmhs.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/newman-catholic-middle-school

Newman Catholic High School (NCS)
WausauGrades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Principal: Waylon Resch
Address: 1130 West Bridge Street, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-845-8274
Website: https://ncmhs.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/newman-catholic-high-school

Address: 1130 West Bridge Street, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-845-8274
Website: https://ncmhs.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/newman-catholic-high-school

Newman Catholic School (NCS)
Principal: Jeff Gulan, President
Address: 619 Stark Street, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-845-5735
Website: https://www.newmancatholicschools.com/NCS

Address: 619 Stark Street, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-845-5735
Website: https://www.newmancatholicschools.com/NCS

Newman Catholic Elementary School – St. Mark (NCS)
Wausau (Rothschild)Grades: PreK, 4K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Principal: Pam Fochs
Address: 602 Military Road, Rothschild, WI, USA
Phone: 715-359-9662
Website: https://nces.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/nces-st-mark

Address: 602 Military Road, Rothschild, WI, USA
Phone: 715-359-9662
Website: https://nces.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/nces-st-mark

Newman Catholic Early Childhood Center – St. Therese (NCS)
Wausau (Schofield)Grades: PreK, 4K
Principal: Amy Faust, Director
Address: 112 West Kort Street, Schofield, WI, USA
Phone: 715-355-5254
Website: https://ncecc.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/ncecc-st-therese

Address: 112 West Kort Street, Schofield, WI, USA
Phone: 715-355-5254
Website: https://ncecc.newmancatholicschools.com/our-schools/ncecc-st-therese

Assumption Middle School (ACS-WR)
Wisconsin RapidsGrades: 6, 7, 8
Principal: Amber France
Address: 440 Mead Street, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA
Phone: 715-422-0950
Website: http://www.assumptioncatholicschools.org/middleschool.html

Address: 440 Mead Street, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA
Phone: 715-422-0950
Website: http://www.assumptioncatholicschools.org/middleschool.html

St. Vincent De Paul School (ACS-WR)
Wisconsin RapidsGrades: 3, 4, 5
Principal: Elizabeth Kuhn
Address: 831 12th Street South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA
Phone: 715-422-0962
Website: https://www.assumptioncatholicschools.org/st-vincent-de-paul-school/

Address: 831 12th Street South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA
Phone: 715-422-0962
Website: https://www.assumptioncatholicschools.org/st-vincent-de-paul-school/

Our Lady Queen of Heaven School (ACS-WR)
Wisconsin RapidsGrades: K, 1, 2
Principal: Shelley Bruley
Address: 750 10th Avenue South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA
Phone: 715-422-0982
Website: http://www.assumptioncatholicschools.org/ourlady.html

Address: 750 10th Avenue South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA
Phone: 715-422-0982
Website: http://www.assumptioncatholicschools.org/ourlady.html

St. Lawrence Early Childhood Center (ACS-WR)
Wisconsin RapidsGrades: PreK, 4K
Principal: Jo Ann Wendels, Director
Address: 551 10th Avenue North, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA
Phone: 715-422-0992
Website: http://www.assumptioncatholicschools.org/stlawrence.html

Address: 551 10th Avenue North, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA
Phone: 715-422-0992
Website: http://www.assumptioncatholicschools.org/stlawrence.html

Assumption High School (ACS-WR)
Wisconsin RapidsGrades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Principal: Amber France
Address: 445 Chestnut Street, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA
Phone: 715-422-0910
Website: http://www.assumptioncatholicschools.org/highschool.html

Address: 445 Chestnut Street, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA
Phone: 715-422-0910
Website: http://www.assumptioncatholicschools.org/highschool.html

Assumption Catholic Schools (ACS-WR)
Wisconsin RapidsGrades:
Principal: Daniel Minter, President
Address: 445 Chestnut Street, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA
Phone: 715-422-0900
Website: http://www.assumptioncatholicschools.org/

Address: 445 Chestnut Street, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA
Phone: 715-422-0900
Website: http://www.assumptioncatholicschools.org/