Below are the common forms required to attend events sponsored by the Office for Family Life.
The following forms are required of all Diocesan events. You may choose to print the form and fill it out by hand OR save the form to your computer, fill it out on your computer, and email it to your group leader.
- New Minor Event Form (Filled out for each event)
- New Minor Comprehensive Medical Release Form (Filled out once per year and kept on hand at each event)
- New Adult (Age 18 and graduated high school) Medical Form (Filled out once per year and kept on hand at each event)
- New Adult (Age 18 and graduated high school) Event Form (Filled out for each event)
- Field Trip Driver Form
- Chaperone Policies and Code of Conduct
- 10-15 Passenger Van Rule
Safe Environment
Click here for all forms (Background Check, Safe Environment Training, etc.) related to Safe Environment. Parish/School Group Leaders MUST work with their parish/school Safe Environment Coordinator to ensure that every adult (age 18 and out of high school and older) are current with their Background Check and Safe Environment Training.