National Catholic Youth Conference 2023

NOVEMBER 20-23, 2025.  Indianapolis, IN




AboutContact Us
Challenging Today’s Young Disciples for Tomorrow!
Every other year, Catholic young people and their adult leaders come together to pray, learn, and grow in their faith for the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC). In addition to opportunities to receive the sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation, NCYC participants attend general and breakout sessions on topics relevant to living as a disciple of Christ in today’s world, learn from organizations that provide resources and other support to youth and youth ministry, spend time in personal and communal prayer, and engage in service to others.

The Diocese of La Crosse will be organizing a trip to join 25,000 Catholic youth in Indianapolis, IN. We will pray together, learn together and most importantly grow together as Disciples!

Plan Your Group

Welcome to group leader central! This is where all of the details you need to know will be for planning out your parish/school group. Check back often for all of the needed information and details!


“Praising the Lord through song and with 20,000+ young people was incredibly powerful! I had so much fun, I can’t wait to go again.”
Kendall L.

“NCYC opened doors to me about my faith. Encountering Christ through a whole new level that I didn’t even know was possible.”
Past NCYC Participant

Reach Us

Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Chris Rogers, Director
Laura Boden, Administrative Assistant
3710 East Ave S
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54602

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