Adventure Camp
Adventure Camp provides an experience for young people to engage in their faith in ways they never imagined.
Week 1: June 22-27, 2025 – Grades 6-12
Week 2: July 6-11, 2025 – Grades 6-12
Week 3: July 27-August 1, 2025 – Grades 6-12
Early Bird – $450 until May 22, 2024
Regular Price – $475 per person.
Late Price (within 2 weeks of your week of camp) – $550
Future Dates:
Week 1: June 21-26, 2026;
Week 2: July 12-17, 2026;
Week 3: July 26-31, 2026.
The high adventure gives young people a chance to challenge themselves physically and mentally while being encouraged by their fellow campers. The most important piece of Adventure Camp is the young people growing more deeply with their relationship with Christ and connecting it to every aspect of their lives.

Growing with Christ

Cost: $450 per person
Please note that being registered means all forms are completely filled out, adult background checks and Safe Environment Training are complete.
Registration will be completed online. A special registration link will be sent to each parish/school one the non-refundable deposit of $100 per spot has been paid by that parish/school.
*PLEASE NOTE* When registering online, there is a two-step process:
STEP 1: Register for an Argenta Account. Please be sure to have parents enter the birthdate of their child and not their own birthdate.
STEP 2: Use the Argenta registration credentials you developed in STEP 1 to log in to Argenta and complete the registration process for the event. (You will need to complete each of these steps for each person in your family attending the event. Also note, once you complete STEP 1, you will use these credentials to register for all future events, so you will be able to skip straight to STEP 2.)
Parish Leaders, please read the instructions for online registration and monitoring your registrations here.
- *Each adult (age 18 and out of high school and older) will need to have a current background check (Click here for the form) run through the Diocese of La Crosse, and be Safe Environment Trained at this link:
Chaperone Guidelines, Policies and Code of Conduct
Each parish/school must have 1 chaperone for every 7 youths attending. These chaperones MUST be age 21 or older AND be current in their Diocese of La Crosse Background Check and Safe Environment Training. Please do not wait until the week before the event to complete these steps as sometimes results could take days to come back to us.
Packing List & Expectations
Additional Info:
- Are there any discounts? Clergy and Religious stay free!!! The presence of priests and religious is so important to our young people that the camp director has agreed not to charge anything for them. They’re welcome to be there the whole week or even just part of a day.
- What are the accommodations? Everyone stays in cabins. They are very well maintained and most have 8 beds (bunks). Chaperones stay with other chaperones in cabins. The beds have mattresses and everyone needs to bring along a sleeping bag and pillow. A bathhouse is located close to each cabin allowing easy access to showers and restrooms.
- What are the safety precautions? CrossWoods staff are all trained in leading young people in the designated high adventure activities (high & low ropes, rappelling, climbing, canoeing, sea kayaking, biking). The staff are mostly college students with a love for Christ and the outdoors.
- What is involved in the programming? For our week of camp, the Diocese has reserved the entire camp allowing us to conduct the teaching aspects to ensure that it is fully Catholic. Programming will be done by youth ministry leaders (parish youth ministers, diocesan directors, religious clergy) from the Diocese. All campers are part of a small group in which they discuss and reflect on these teachings.
- What about prayer and the Sacraments? A chapel with the Blessed Sacrament present provides campers with a great place for prayer and reflection during the week. There will be at least one priest at the camp at all times. This allows us to have daily Mass, Confessions throughout the week, and a special time of Adoration on Thursday night. There will also be Morning Prayer, Holy Hour (optional, but highly encouraged & well attended), & Night