Pilgrimage for Life
Who: Ages 13 and Up
When: January 22-26, 2025
Where: Washington, DC
Cost: TBD
- These prices DO NOT include the red Dioceses of Wisconsin Sweatshirt. If you need a sweatshirt, please indicate that on your Medical release form and add $50 to your total price.
- There will be no refunds given after January 7, 2024.
- The cost includes 5-day trip by motor coach, 2 nights at Hotel, 2 breakfasts at the hotel, Mass/Rally/Lunch on Friday.
- You will need extra spending money for all other meals, souvenirs, metro passes, etc.
- *Priests and Religious go for free!
Registration and Schedule are Coming Soon!
Registration will be completed Online
*PLEASE NOTE* When registering online, there is a two-step process:
STEP 1: Register for an Argenta Account. Please be sure parents enter the birthdate of their child and not their own birthdate.
STEP 2: Use the Argenta registration credentials you developed in STEP 1 to log in to Argenta and complete the registration process for the event. (You will need to complete each of these steps for each person in your family attending the event. Also note, once you complete STEP 1, you will use these credentials to register for all future events, so you will be able to skip straight to STEP 2.)ICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE!
Parish/School Leaders, please read the instructions for online registration and monitoring your registrations here.
- *Each adult (age 18 and out of high school and older) will need to have a current background check (Click here for the form) run through the Diocese of La Crosse, and be Safe Environment Trained at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/safe-environment *Please do not wait until the week before the event to complete these steps as sometimes results could take days to come back to us.
Each parish/school must have 1 chaperone for every 7 youths attending. These chaperones MUST be age 21 or older AND be current in their Diocese of La Crosse Background Check and Safe Environment Training. Please do not wait until the week before the event to complete these steps as sometimes results could take days to come back to us.
Future Dates: TBD
Chris Rogers – Office for Family Life – 608-791-2659 | crogers@diolc.org