Religious Freedom Week 2022
June 22 – June 29 – Life and Dignity for All
Religious freedom allows the Church, and all religious communities, to live out their faith in public and to serve the good of all. Beginning June 22, the feast of Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher, the USCCB invites Catholics to pray, reflect, and act to promote religious freedom.
June 22 - Walking with Moms in Need
Pray that local churches and communities will have the vision and the freedom to walk with moms in need.
June 23 - Church Vandalism
Pray that Christian witness in the face of attacks on our churches will convert hearts to faith in Jesus Christ.
June 24 - Adoption and Foster Care
Pray that people of faith will continue to have the freedom to serve in the life-affirming ministry of adoption and foster care.
June 25 - Taxpayer Funding for Abortion
Pray that civic leaders would promote life and dignity for all.
June 26 - Religious Freedom in China
Pray for the freedom of the Church in China, and that the rights of all religious minorities would be respected.
June 27 - Pregnancy Resource Centers
Pray that women facing unplanned pregnancies will continue to have access to support from people who help them choose life.
June 28 - Health Care Workers
Pray that governments will respect the consciences of all people who care for the sick and vulnerable.
June 29 - Free Speech
Pray that Christians will have the courage to proclaim the gospel of life and dignity for all with kindness and clarity, even in the face of adversity.