DOWNLOAD THE NEW CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING APP on your favorite device or view the content on the web! The Ethics and Public Policy Center said its free app is “a great resource for politicians, journalists, teachers, students and anyone who wishes to better understand the Church’s teaching on issues of economics, politics and culture.”
Selection of Quotes from Pope Francis on Catholic Social Teaching
“A Challenge to Our Future” Child Poverty in Wisconsin Report
Child poverty has grown sharply in Wisconsin in recent years. About one in five Wisconsin children — over a quarter of a million total — live below the poverty line – many in our own diocese. This disturbing trend is contributing to a host of problems that affect everyone in the state – families living in poverty are not the only ones impacted, entire communities are affected as well. Review the Report and Press Release from the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families.
COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM. With the passage of an immigration reform bill in the U.S. Senate and indications of forward progress in the House, the prospects for real immigration reform are better than they have been in a very long time. But people must make their voices heard. Please encourage the faithful to visit the US Bishops’ site for current information and action alerts.