You are Invited to an Engaging
Pro-Life Breakfast & Presentation!
Keynote Speaker: Emily Geiger
Director of Education & Outreach
Equal Rights Institute
Emily Geiger is Director of Education and Outreach at Equal Rights Institute. She is the former Co-President of Oles for Life at St. Olaf College, where she worked to transform campus culture using ERI’s apologetics to foster respectful and productive dialogues about abortion. At ERI, she writes, develops curriculum, and teaches pro-life advocates how to change minds, save lives, and promote a culture of life in their communities. A sought-after speaker, Emily frequently presents lectures on college campuses, in high schools, and for churches and conferences, and she regularly appears in interviews, including appearances on MSNBC, BBC Newsday, EWTN, Focus on the Family, Relevant Radio, and Christianity Today.

Saturday, April 27, 2024
La Crosse
8:00 AM – Mass
St. James the Less Church – 1032 Caledonia St. La Crosse, WI
8:45 AM – Breakfast – Egg Bake, with meatless option
St. Joseph Hall at Providence Academy (Across the street from St. James Church)
9:30 AM – Presentation by Emily Geiger
For more information: Christopher Ruff 608-791-0161
or Stephen Pavela, MD 608-788-5052
Deadline to Register: Monday, April 22, 2024