Directory of Parish Social Ministries initiatives is now available!
This is a compilation of social ministry happening throughout our diocese. This directory is not intended to be an all inclusive list, but is meant to spur ideas and encourage collaboration.

The National Council of Catholic Women have published a wonderful resource of practical ideas that any person or group in a parish can use.

Sacraments and Social Mission is a great overview of the sacraments and how to live them in daily life. USCCB has provided a powerpoint for your use to go along with it. Sacraments and Social Mission Powerpoint

Catholic Campaign for Human Development – (CCHD) is accepting applications for local grants.
If you have questions, or would like an application, please call or email Jen Mickschl 608-791-0161

Catholic Relief Services – is the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. Founded in 1943 by the United States Council of Catholic Bishops, the agency provides assistance to 130 million people in more than 90 countries and territories in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Building a Parish Team – Building a successful parish-based social ministry effort of the kind envisioned in Communities of Salt and Light requires tapping each and every able Catholic’s baptismal call to serve. There is much ministry to do but the good news is that there are plenty of baptized sisters and brothers to invite to participate.

Two Feet of Love in Action – Catholic disciples on mission are called to put Two Feet of Love in Action! This foundational tool describes two distinct, but complementary, ways we can put the Gospel in action in response to God’s love: social justice (addressing systemic, root causes of problems that affect many people) and charitable works (short-term, emergency assistance for individuals).

Communities of Salt and Light – This statement offers a basic resource for pastors, parish leaders, and all Catholics seeking to strengthen the social ministry of their local community. The bishops’ reflection represents neither major new teaching nor a new national program. Rather, it brings together the principles of our social teaching and local pastoral experience in a framework for vibrant Catholic communities. This statement is complemented by, an online resource hub from USCCB designed to help communities assess and strengthen this expression of missionary discipleship. Other print and online resources concerning social mission, discipleship, and evangelization are available from the USCCB Store.

Catholic Charities USA – Catholic Charities agencies across the country witness the love of Christ by helping people in need and by serving their communities. Catholic Charities USA is a national organization that offers support to member agencies, provides disaster relief and promotes poverty-reduction through research and legislative reform.

Catholic Charities La Crosse – Providing Hope, Changing Lives, Serving All…Catholic Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse proclaims Christ’s Gospel of Life and promotes human dignity by alleviating poverty and strengthening individuals and families. We work with individuals, families and communities to help them meet their needs, address their issues, eliminate oppression, and build a just and compassionate society.

Enriching Our Diversity – A Parish outreach, education, and Organizing Manual in support of the Justice for Immigrants Campaign of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops