
The NCYC Experience

Fully Alive

The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC for short) is a biennial gathering of high school youth from around the United States. It is an opportunity for you to experience the true universality of the Catholic Church by praying, going to Mass, and experiencing Christ in Reconciliation and Adoration with other Catholics from around the diocese in unison with youth from across the country.

NCYC always attracts some of the biggest and best-known Catholic speakers and musicians and brings them together to share their time and experiences with you in break-out sessions and workshops.

Ultimately, NCYC is a weekend get-together with you, the Holy Trinity, and thousands of your closest friends across the nation!

Schedule of Events

Coming Soon

Reach Us

Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Chris Rogers, Director
Beth Johnson, Administrative Assistant
3710 East Ave S
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54602

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