
  • Rooted in the Eucharist, Bearing Fruit in the World

    It might be tempting then to reduce Dorothy Day to a figure of social and political action. But that would fail to grasp what was at the very center of her life — the Eucharist. 

  • Blessed the Nation Whose God Is the Lord

    Thankfully, there is also a very different vision animating people in our nation—one that is radiant with hope and inspiration.

  • Coincidence and Providence

    Today, long after Father Joe’s death during Holy Week in 2006, many visitors have been further inspired to become long-term volunteers. The most recent is Katie Marach, a Wisconsin native teaching English as a second language in Eau Claire.

  • St. Bernard’s Shines a Light, and the Counties Take Notice

    Uplifting people’s dignity Every Thursday afternoon, a long line of cars forms around St. Bernard Church in Abbotsford. The line is long but moves quickly. In the space of about two and a half hours, 343 families will be provided with food on this bright and windy autumn day. Father Tim Oudenhoven stakes out a

  • Bathed in God’s Mercy

    Project Rachel offers healing from abortion God’s mercy is an ocean so vast we cannot begin to fathom its depths. His mercy can cleanse us from even the worst sins, for God wants us to be fully alive and whole and to live in His Love. Do you believe this? It can be hard for

12495031_845430728887694_6394279798768774424_nLife as a missionary in Peru brings Abigail Schreiner closer to God and gives her life direction and peace

When Abigail Schreiner, from Athens, first came to Peru in 2013 as part of a pilgrimage, God showed her the dignity and beauty of the South American country. “I was just awestruck by everything I saw and the people I met,” says Abigail. “I felt a very big attraction to this country and the people. It intrigued me.” Along with her mother and the Wisconsin pilgrims, Abigail spent time at Casa Hogar Juan Pablo II Orphanage in Lurin, Peru. It was there that she felt a great impact. Even after returning to life in Athens, Abigail found Peru still pulled on her heart. Read more >>

threading-main-pipe-768x576BEYOND WATER An update on the Kenya Water Project of St. Anne Parish in Wausau

WHAT IF YOUR NEAREST CLEAN WATER SOURCE WAS 16 MILES AWAY AND IN THE MOUNTAINS? What if your best source of drinking water was a mud puddle that had dead animals in it? What if your only source of water was infested with bacteria and giving it to your child would endanger her life? Here in the United States we are blessed with clean, free flowing water from the nearest tap. We don’t even think about it. But severe illness, a 50 percent infant mortality rate and drought are part of the daily reality the Maasai and several other tribes in Kenya were facing each day. Read More >>

Diocese_LaCrosse_March_0473-e1456781130261-300x261Bringing clean water to Uganda,
receiving faith in return

Martha Opelt, her family and the parishioners of St. Mary’s, Neillsville, have a calling to mission trips. In 2001, Father Woodrow Pace connected St. Mary Parish in Neillsville with the Diocese of Kiyinda-Mityana (KMD), Uganda by initiating a pilgrimage to Africa. Martha Opelt, a parishioner at St. Mary’s, remembers, “My son said, ‘Mom we have got to go.’ Twelve parishioners, including Martha and her son, Christopher, embarked on a journey of faith.  Read More >>

Sr.-Sabina-e1459519786704Divine Mercy Convent in Mwanza, Tanzania

ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH IN MARSHFIELD COMES TOGETHER FOR DIVINE MERCY – If you had told me three years ago that our move from Portland, Ore., our home of 17 years, to Marshfield, Wis., would eventually lead to the construction of a convent in Tanzania, I would have said, “Oh, dream on!” But, as our friend Sister Sabina Kabuga would say, “Mungu Ni Muweza Wa Yote,” which means, “With God, all things are possible” in Swahili. This phrase has guided her order, the Sisters of Our Lady Queen of Africa (SOLQA), our family and St John the Baptist Church in Marshfield throughout a miraculous journey to build a new convent for the sisters in Mwanza, Tanzania. Read More >>

rallyWisconsin students join national
anti-abortion rally

WASHINGTON – About 300 students from Wisconsin traveled to the nation’s capital to participate Thursday in the annual March for Life to protest abortion on the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade ruling. They came from Green Bay, La Crosse, Wausau and Neenah to march down the National Mall to the Supreme Court, whose ruling legalized abortion 42 years ago. The students then headed to Capitol Hill to meet with Badger State lawmakers. Read More >>

Untitled-1Valentyna’s Joy: a Story of Conversion and Loving Mission

Introduction & the City without God Valentyna Pavsyukova paints a picture of the Ukrainian people under the oppression of the false hopes and empty promises of Communism.
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waterprojectKenya Water Project

Don Ryder and Romey Wagner of St. Anne’s Parish in Wausau discuss the inspirations, graces and donations that have helped them bring fresh, clean water to thousands of people in Kenya.  A bit longer interview, but an amazing, beautiful story, with photos. Click to view

gifts of love“Gifts of Love” Provides Tiny Caskets for Parents Mourning the Loss of a Baby

Pattie Pflugradt describes her growing ministry that comforts parents, touches the medical community, and even inspires prison inmates to build tiny caskets! Click to view