Catechist Training Resources for Teaching
Growing in the Catholic Faith through study and prayer is a life-long process. It is essential, above all, for any adult who teaches the Catholic Faith to receive ongoing formation in order to properly hand on the Faith to the next generation. Ongoing faith formation is necessary as “the quality of any form of pastoral activity is placed at risk if it does not rely on truly competent and trained personnel” (General Directory for Catechesis, n. 234). Therefore, the pastor, Catholic School administrator, DRE, CRE, and Youth Minister are to attend to this most important task by advertising and organizing faith formation opportunities.
Lent Resources
General information and forms on certification pertinent to Catholic Schools and Parishes.
Praying with Scripture
Lesson Plan Format
Catechisis of the Good Shepherd
Spiritual and Liturgical Formation of Children
Training in Wausau – Level 1 Brochure – PDF
July 14-19, August 19-20, 2022
Wisconsin Area Formation Classes 2022 – PDF
Pro-Life Teaching Resources
Fatima Resources
Resources for the 100 Anniversary of Our Lady’s Apparitions in Fatima, Portugal
The Story of the Bible Timeline
Catholic Vacation Bible School
Catholic Vacation Bible Schools:
- Cat Chat
- Holy Heroes Summer Faith Adventure
- Liguori Vacation Bible School Barnyard Round-Up
- Our Sunday Visitor Totally Catholic VBS
- Growing with the Saints
- Loyola Press Catholic Vacation Bible School:
- New this year by “God is Good VBS” and “Vianney Vocations” : Discovery Mission