Catechetical Leader Information
Teaching children and young people to pray
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Examinations of Conscience for Confession
When printing, click “fit to page” and flip on short side
- Grades 2-3 Guide to Confession
- Grades 4 – 5 Guide to Confession
- Grades 6-9 Guide to Confession
- Grades 10 -12 Guide to Confession
Bishop Battersby’s presentation to Catechetical Leaders, August 17
Gradual Implementation of TOB – Middle School and High School 2024-2025
Catechetical Leader Calendar –
Restore the Roots – Cultivating Your Domestic Church
Directions to Register for Franciscan at Home
A Minute with Jesus for the Eucharistic Revival
Promote Adoration
- Promote Adoration Flyer with additional information
Ministry for Persons with Special Needs
- Assistance for Persons with Special Needs
- Guidelines-for-the-Celebration-of-the-Sacraments-with-Persons-with-Disabilities-Revised-Edition
Franciscan at Home online learning
- Simple Directions to register for Franciscan at Home for DREs and CREs
- Simple Directions to register for Franciscan at Home for Youth Ministers
- Simple Directions to register for Franciscan at Home for Catechists
Gradual Implementation of TOB – Middle School and High School 2024-2025
- click on title above for the information
Standards for Parish Catechetical Leaders and Catechists
(click on title)
- Suggested-Questions-that-go-with-Role-Description
- Best Practices
- Online Resources
- Evaluating a Religion Textbook What is Essential
Help Catechists know how to find the answer to any question of the Catholic Faith
Parent’s Session on the “Going Deeper in Prayer” Initiative
The following resources are to introduce Parents to this initiative, which includes praying the Our Father prayer card with them, so that they see how easy and brief the time of prayer will be.
- Parents Introduction to Going Deeper in Prayer
- Prayer Card Our Father
- Provide at a later date after families become accustomed to using the Prayer Cards:
- Parents Resources Our Father
- Parents Information Our Father
Franciscan at Home: Online Learning System
We want to invite you to benefit from a new partnership that the Diocese of La Crosse has with the large-scale outreach ministry called the Catechetical Institute. It is focused on forming catechists, school teachers and administrators, youth and young adult ministry teams, RCIA, and catechetical leaders.
This outreach is a means to strongly form those who form others – to help grow those in ministry to a place of excellence and ability. What Franciscan University has built is exceptional in its attention to the person, spiritual focus, immense depth and breadth of professional ministry formation, and high flexibility to attune to local needs.
Every parish is to provide 6 hours of training for catechists. The Catechetical Institute has developed online workshops to assist you with this training. Each workshop provides an hour of content divided into short video clips (10 minutes) and followed by a simple skills-building task. These tasks allow learners to process the material by answering a simple question or implementing something into their teaching situation
To access this developing array of formational workshops, individual parishes, or schools that are separate from a parish, pay a $300 annual subscription. Anyone associated with a subscribing parish or school is then able to use the entire system for free. There are no other costs.
Click below for the following downloadable PDFs available to help you get a good sense of this new outreach ministry:
- Onboarding Parishes through Diocesan Landing Page is designed to explain what the workshops are and what they offer, and how to actually subscribe to a parish or school.
- Go to to view a sample workshop. Scroll down on the main page to pay $5 for one month to check out the format of various workshops.
Ongoing Formation after Confirmation
The information below is to help parishes with planning for ongoing formation for young people after Confirmation.