Helpful Recordings
Live links to sessions about important current topics
What are Parents Searching for?
Helping to stir Parents to want to come to Mass
Dr. Bill Keimig, Deputy Director for the Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio.
- What do actively-parenting adults need to become more open?
- What are strategies to better engage families in parish and school life where they already are somewhat involved?
- What are key areas of engaging families that most parishes and schools overlook, that if developed, will produce strong results?
A Compelling Resource for Parish Small Groups
Fr. Brian Konopa, Susan Halter, Peter Schmitz, Lisa Doering, Linda Schwartz, Mary, Mother of the Church Parish, La Crosse
Would you like to become a parish of Missionary Disciples? One excellent way is through the Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) Faith Study Series. This series is more than just an opportunity to add to your knowledge of the Catholic faith. It calls for a conversion of heart and mind and, according to the CCO objectives: “Through the grace of the Holy Spirit, it is designed to bring participants to a real and effective encounter with Jesus Christ and to progressively build them into the Missionary Disciples the Church needs them to be.” This workshop will provide an overview of CCO’s mission, objectives and goals as well as the learnings and experiences of those who have facilitated CCO faith-sharing groups over the past two years.
Pastoral Care amid Confusion about Sexual Identity
Father Paul Check, long-time director of the Courage Apostolate;
Chris Ruff, Director for Ministries and Social Concerns;
Terry Bell, FOCUS Team Director, Roncalli Newman Parish in La Crosse
Helpful Resources – PDF
In the midst of a confused culture, how can we affirm and teach God’s fundamental design for the human person as male and female, created in His image and called to a life of self-giving love? How can we do this in a way that is sensitive to the ears of our young people (and their parents) and to their sincerely-held though often misled beliefs? And yet in a way that is also unafraid to speak the truth — because we know God has written that truth deep within every human heart? These are the questions that Father Paul Check, Chris Ruff and Terry Bell will address as they consider the most common misconceptions about identity and gender.
Relationship, Intentionality, and Accompaniment: The Cornerstones of Ministry
Jennifer Kulzer, High School Faith Formation, Confirmation Preparation and RCIA at Blessed Sacrament Parish in La Crosse & Andrew Brueggen, Youth Minister at St. Patrick’s Parish in Onalaska; Cassie Thayer, Catechetical Leader at St. Patrick’s Parish in Mauston; Jacqueline Van Hemert, Catechetical Leader at St. Mary’s in Altoona and Michael Van Hemert, Catholic School teacher at Regis High School in Eau Claire.
The Gospels show us that when Christ would teach He did it in a way that imparted knowledge and evoked a personal response from each of those He encountered. As our youth are feeling increasingly isolated because of the effects of today’s culture, we need to become more like Christ and let each person we encounter know his or her worth as a son or daughter of God. This session will give practical tips on how to become intentional in your ministry for accompanying people of all ages.
Effectively using Conversion Stories to Catechize Youth
Clare Ruff, Catholic Liaison, Director of Events and Outreach – Hosea Initiative;
Chris Rogers, Director for Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Our Lord repeatedly used parables to convey truths that were challenging. Stories have the power to inspire and motivate precisely because they are personal and non- confrontational. This workshop will explore the art of effective storytelling as an impactful tool for evangelizing people of all ages. As part of the presentation the speakers will tell the powerful conversion stories of 3 modern individuals (2 of them saints) who grappled with issues relevant today and became vibrant witnesses of the Gospel.
Partnering with Families in Youth Ministry
Bill Keimig, Assistant Director of the Catechetical Institute; Bob Rice, long-term youth minister and teacher at Franciscan University of Steubenvile; Steve Allgeyer, President of Ministry Advancement for Life Teen Inc;
Joel Stepanich, Director of Resource Development for Life Teen International
Parents are the hinge-point of successfully and consistently reaching most teens. It is essential therefore that those in youth ministry understand their role is to provide support, empower, and partner with families. Franciscan at Home provides engaging and beautiful online workshops at These four, lively presenters will engage participants to principles and practices that lead to actively partnering with parents. Cost for the workshop is $5 per month or $13 per month to have a mentor. Go to to sign up. Click on “Youth Ministry Track”, then “First Year Youth Ministry” where “Partnering with Families in Youth Ministry” is located.
Praying with Scripture
Ann Lankford, Director for Catechesis and Evangelization
Would you like to have a deepened appreciation for the importance of the meditative reading of Scripture in your daily walk with the Lord, and to teach your children, grandchildren, students? Pope Benedict XVI stated that, “the ancient tradition of Praying with Scripture – Lectio Divina… will bring to the Church a new spiritual springtime.” Experience the prayerful pondering of sacred Scripture in the timeless Lectio Divina in which the Holy Spirit makes a connection between the passage and one’s own life. Franciscan at Home provides engaging and beautiful online workshops. Cost for the workshop is $5 per month. Go to to sign up. After registering, click on Catechist Track, then click on Advanced Catechist Certification, then click on Praying with Scripture: Lectio Divina.