Presentation by Father Joseph Hirsch
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Excellent for preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation

Confirmation Preparation

Confirmation Guidelines/Resources

Schedules for 4 different Programs to Prepare for Confirmation

Contact Ann Lankford if you would like any of these schedules in a Word document

As part of Confirmation Prep:  One session on each of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are available, including a video clip of a saint living out a particular Gift.

As part of Confirmation Prep:  Bible Timeline by Mark Hart or Jeff Cavins with a focus on key Biblical figures, including simple teaching on one aspect, watching a short video clip and completing a handout, making it more personal while applying it to our lives



Further information on the Diocesan Confirmation Program.

If you wish to obtain the Diocesan Confirmation Program (33 sessions on a CD for $10), please contact
Beth Johnson at (608) 791-2658.



Small-Group Table Facilitators

Pre and Post Confirmation Resources