Addressing Pornography
Pornography is extremely addictive and damaging to a person’s ability to give and receive love. This page has some valuable resources.
NEW! A Catholic workshop called, MY HOUSE for men struggling with sexual behavior problems (more info below).
For some of the best resources available go to, – a website created in partnership with Covenant Eyes.
- Here is a list of areas. Click anywhere to go to the site.

Fr. Sean Kilkawley – Resources
For a very thorough listing of Parenting Resources CLICK HERE to be directed to webpage created by Fr. Sean Kilkawley.
Below are three resources for parents that were recommended at Fall Ministry Days by Fr. Sean Kilkawley. Copies are currently available. Contact Paula Boyle to order
For anonymous Catholic Counseling using virtual options via online or tele-counseling:
- CatholicPsych Institute –
- Our intentional integration of Catholic anthropology and psychology is a totally new way to pierce through the confusion and find the answers you are seeking, based on ancient wisdom combined with groundbreaking science.
- Pastoral Solutions Institute.
- The Pastoral Solutions Institute offers tele-counseling for a number of situations, including marriage healing or improvement, parenting problems, overcoming depression and anxiety, and resolving family conflicts (among many others).
NEW! A Catholic workshop called, MY HOUSE for men struggling with sexual behavior problems on July 9-11 featuring Fr. Sean Kilcawley and Dr. Todd Bowman.
Here is a short video and more information at
Men have attended from many different dioceses, and there are discounts for ministry staff and seminarians
Here are some valuable resources: apostolates, books, programs and more.
Porn Detox program
STRIVE is an experience unlike any other: 21 Day Challenge. A step-by-step plan to break free from porn. Worldwide Community. Journey with Matt Fradd and brothers from around the world each day in the online community.
The Integrity Restored Podcast: Crucial Conversations About Culture and Sexual Integrity. Each episode of the Integrity Restored Podcast will equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to live a porn free life and to help others do the same.
Secular "Apostolate"
Fight the New Drug is a non-religious and non-legislative organization that exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts.
Recovery Guide
In Restoring Trust, licensed clinical therapist Peter C. Kleponis, provides an authentically Catholic approach to understanding and recovering from pornography addiction — whether you, your spouse, or both are addicted.
Educational tool
This series presents the science and facts, as well as personal testimonies to expose the destruction caused by pornography to protect yourself, your family, and our youth. Available in a 4-DVD set or USB Thumb Drive. LEARN MORE >>
Good Pictures Bad Pictures
Porn Proofing Today’s Young Kids
A resource to teach small children (ages 7-9) about the dangers of porn. $17.00

Wonderfully Made! Babies
A Catholic Perspective on How and Why God Makes Babies (for ages 9 & up)

Plunging Pornography
A Catholic Bathroom Book
Safe Haven Sunday Prayer
Loving Father,
Thank you for the gift of marriage and family life. We entrust to you our home, where our marriage and family live and grow. We ask you to make it a safe haven for all who live and enter these walls. May our home be a holy place for both young and old to be formed in the truth regarding life, love, sex and marriage. May each of our members be protected from and guided in seeking to avoid pornography, while embracing the freedom and purity of life in Christ.
If there are past wounds that have occurred due to the availability of pornography on our family’s devices or lack of awareness, we ask you to send forth your Spirit to heal, bless, renew and consecrate this home as a safe haven with your son Jesus Christ at the center of our lives, today, tomorrow and always.
“We ask this in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the intercession of the Holy Family of Nazareth, Saints Joachim and Anne and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.