(Please select one or two to use each month.)
- It is your will that married life should be a lesson in Christian living; grant that all husbands and wives may be witnesses to the wonders of your Son’s love. Let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- Father all-holy, the faithful one, you ask for and respond to fidelity to your covenant; fill with your blessings your servants who are celebrating their wedding anniversary this month. Let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- You live in eternity with the Son and the Holy Spirit in oneness of life and communion of love; grant that these your servants will be mindful of the covenant of love found in the sacrament of marriage and that they will do all they can to uphold its true meaning. Let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- In your providence you have ordained that all genuinely human experiences should become ways of leading the faithful to share in the mystery of Christ; grant to all married couples serenity in good times and bad and the will to stay close to Christ and to live for him alone. Let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- Father all-holy, you have made marriage the great symbol of Christ’s love for his Church; bestow on all married couples the fullness of your own love. Let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- You live in eternity with the Son and the Holy Spirit in oneness of life and communion of love; grant that all married couples will be mindful of the covenant of love they pledged to each other through the sacrament of marriage and never fail in fidelity. Let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- In your providence you have ordained that all genuinely human experiences should become ways of leading the faithful to share in the mystery of Christ; grant to all married couples serenity in good times and bad and the will to stay close to Christ and to live for him alone. Let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- It is your will that married life should be a lesson in Christian living; grant that all husbands and wives may be witnesses to the wonders of your Son’s love. Let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- For the Church, the Bride of Christ, that she may continue to proclaim the love of Jesus her Spouse to the world through the living witness of married couples, let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- For all couples in the Diocese of La Crosse celebrating a wedding anniversary this month, that their love for each other may continue to grow strong, let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- For fruitful love, that all married couples who have shared in God’s creative work will enjoy the gift of their children and grandchildren, let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- For the family and friends of all married couples, that they will continue to support them on the journey which began at the altar of God, let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- For our parish family, especially those preparing for their own marriage day, that they may understand well the dignity and responsibilities of the marriage covenant and family life, let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- That all married couples would find Christ in the daily living of their marriage, let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- That married couples would reflect the love of the Trinity in their homes, to their families, and to their friends, let us pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- That spouses may make a sincere gift of themselves to one another and to their children and be transformed through the power of the cross, we pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.
- That husbands and wives would see themselves as stewards of their family, their home, and their possessions, we pray to the Lord. R/. Lord, hear our prayer.