Natural Family Planning Registration Marquette Model

Congratulations! Step 1 of your registration process is complete!

You have chosen the Marquette Model class.

The next step will be to purchase the actual course.

  1. Courses from the Marquette Model are offered either in person or online. The link below will take you to the Marquette Model website so you can find the nearest class or choose an online option.

Click Here to Complete Step 2 of the Registration Process
(The new page will open in a new window so you can refer back to the instructions)

  1. When you get to that page you’ll see a map with orange pins showing the online/distance instructors. You can click on a pin or scroll to the bottom to see a list of online instructors. You will need to email or sign up on the chosen instructor’s website to register for the course.

That completes step 2!

Your Marquette Model practitioner will work with you to complete your registration and to answer any questions you may have.