That’s a fair question, isn’t it? After all, in the modern world contraception has become as everyday as smartphones. Why does the Church still insist that we use NFP? In fact, many engaged couples ask their pastors, “Are you Serious?” when they find out that NFP will be a requirement for marriage. Believe it or not, Alice – director of the Office for Marriage and Family Life – had exactly that reaction when she was first introduced to Natural Family Planning. What do you think changed her mind so much that she now directs the NFP program? Alice would like to share her story with you – click here!
My fiancé and I haven’t really talked about a family yet but by completing this class it has helped us open communication on what each of us wants in the future. I am glad that we did this class and know more about NFP and how it opens a better communication between the both of us.
There are a number of good reasons that you are being required to take this course. The most important reason is that you are asking to be married in a Catholic Church. That means that if you are asking for the sacrament of marriage and for your marriage to be a sacrament, you have to abide by God’s teachings of what marriage is and the role it plays in society. Read what happens to couples when they embrace God’s plan.
Next, you should know that whenever God commands something, he does so for our good. There are a number of serious negative side effects to contraception [NOTE: This link will open an new tab or window to a site outside of the diocese – any information outside of this article is not endorsed by the Diocese of LaCrosse] – especially chemical contraception – that are avoided with Natural Family Planning. Here is one husband’s story about why he wanted to learn Natural Family Planning out of love for his wife.
But that’s not all! Natural Family Planning also has a number of benefits that it brings into a marriage.