"Going Deeper in Prayer" is a new initiative for individual adults.
The downloadable materials include a Prayer Card with a simple format that is meant to foster a personal relationship with God.
Pick one that interests you!
Note: The “Going Deeper in Prayer” Resources designed for parents,
students and teachers can be found at diolc.org/prayer
Praying with Scripture
- Lenten Prayer Card Praying with Scripture
- Easter Season Prayer Card Praying with Scripture
- Jesus’ Public Ministry Scripture Prayer Card
- Advent and Christmas Prayer Card
- Introductory Information on Praying with Scripture
- Resources regarding Praying with Scripture
The prayer worksheet just below can also be used to pray with Scripture
• Praying with Scripture prayer worksheet with simple instructions
• Short Bible Passages for Praying with Scripture
Prayer to Jesus after
Holy Communion
Daily Examination of Conscience and Act of Contrition
“How God Guides Us”
The following sessions are completely downloadable from the links below and will provide:
- a teaching on specific ways that God offers us guidance.
- a Scripture story that relates how God guided a person in a particular manner.
- two modern-day true stories in which individuals experienced God’s guidance.
- discussion questions. The sessions are arranged for 90 minutes.
Session 1: Relationship comes first!
1. Facilitator copy
1. Participant copy
Psalm 25 Prayer Card
Facilitator Guide for Small Groups
Group Discussion Guidelines
Session 2: One Step at a Time
2. Facilitator Copy
2. Participant Copy
Session 3: Through Jesus’ Words in Sacred Scripture
3. Facilitator copy
3. Participant copy
Session 4: Through Other People
4. Facilitator copy
4. Participant copy

Jesus is the Good Shepherd
Session 5: Through the Holy Angels
5. Facilitator copy
5. Participant copy
Session 6: Through the Experience of Peace in Our Heart
6. Facilitator copy
6. Participant copy
Session 7: Through Our Thoughts
7. Facilitator copy
7. Participant Copy
Session 8: Sin Blinds
8. Facilitator copy
8. Participant copy
Session 9: Revelation follows Surrender
9. Facilitator copy
9. Participant copy
Psalm 23: “The Lord is my Shepherd”
Our Father
- Prayer Card Our Father
- Introductory Information on the Our Father
- Resources for Better Understanding the Our Father
Mysteries of the Rosary
- Advent and Christmas Prayer Card Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
- Ordinary Time Prayer Card Luminous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary
- Lenten Prayer Card for the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
- Easter Season Prayer Card Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
- Introductory Information on the Mysteries of the Rosary
- Resources on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

Fifth Sorrowful Mystery – Jesus was Crucified and Died

First Glorious Mystery – Jesus rose from the dead!
In order to believe Jesus was alive, Thomas put his finger into His pierced side
Coming Soon!
- Angel of God